Are Hip Replacement Patients Able to Pick Up Where They Left Off?

22/01/2013 05:35

In the older days, those who usually undergo hip replacement surgery were the ageing people. But nowadays it caters to all ages, medical experts say.  What is surprising is that there are younger patients who avail of such surgery after DePuy Orthopeadics, a unit of Johnson and Johnson, positioned their two ASR hip implants for younger patients who are suffering from hip pains and  who were deprived of the capability to move normally and who wanted to restore their normal mobility. Unfortunately, in 2010 the company recalled 93,000 of its products after many of them were being reported as defective. U to 8,000 patients had filed a lawsuit for compensatory damages claim. The latest development is that its Maryland DePuy trial was halted because a plaintiff is planning to switch to federal courts.

Those younger patients are the ones who are in dilemma right after they availed of hip surgery; some of those are professional athletes whose careers will be greatly affected with a question -- wondering on their minds if they can be as competitive as before right after the hip replacement surgery.


While pain relief has historically been the reason for which patients undergo surgery, the need to improve joint function has also become motivating for patients, especially those into athletics activities. Patients and orthopedic surgeons do not necessarily worry about the same things after the surgery.  The patients are focused on pain relief and regaining normal functions. Surgeons, on the other hand, are mainly concerned about pain relief and the effectiveness of the hip replacement, especially how long will it last among patients and how much affirmation goes with the hope that there will be no problems with it.


There are patients who are already too eager to get into high-impact sporting activities. Most doctors will still have reservations because they usually recommend low-impact sports to steer them away from high-impact sports in an effort to prolong the life of the artificial hip implant.


Patients should not be in a hurry to get back to their normal lives to avoid complication and falling into a failed hip implant. Medical experts believes that  patients may need to consider that high-impact sports such as running, tennis, basketball may increase stress on the newly implanted hips and may cause wearing out quickly. To know more about related issues, check  DePuy Hip Recall Lawsuit Center .